In honour of the memory of Manjit Wolstenholme, a Vanquis Banking Group Executive Chair, £60,000 has been distributed to six organisations across Bradford in her honour, for the fifth year.

Manjit understood the issues and challenges facing young people because of her own experiences and believed passionately in being able to do something to address this. This is why we look to use the fund to build on her inspirational legacy by ensuring young people in Bradford are not denied opportunities to achieve their potential.

Each year, the Vanquis Banking Group Foundation partners with Give Bradford to allocate funds through colleague grants panels. This year, six Bradford community organisations have received a share of £60,000 from the Vanquis Banking Group Foundation via Manjit’s Fund. The organisations that were awarded funding this year are:

- Bangladeshi Youth Organisation
- Bradford Community Broadcasting
- Margaret Carey Foundation
- Participate Projects
- Rooted In
- Word Up North Limited

The activities funded by these grants include:
⭐ Supporting children and young people to increase their confidence, self-esteem and oracy skills through producing audio content for radio.
⭐ 1-1 and group mentoring for young people who are disengaged from education, isolated or being groomed for criminal/gang activity, exploring identity and skills whilst developing education and career aspirations.
⭐ Creative writing groups for young people with an interest in developing writing and storytelling skills, to support them towards creative career opportunities.

The people supported by these activities will join over 2,100 people who have already benefited from previous rounds of the programme, which has invested almost £300,000 in total since 2019.

Sharon Orr, Social Impact Manager Said: “This fund has enabled us to ensure that grants have been targeted to community groups who are making such a huge impact for children and young people across the Bradford district.  By helping to fund such incredibly inspiring projects, we’re able to align our community investment with our purpose of helping to put people on the path to a better everyday life, by addressing the barriers they face to social and financial inclusion.”