PFG recently sponsored an exciting series of workshops, in conjunction with the National Literacy Trust for the Year 9 students at our One In A Million Free School.

Five volunteers from across PFG went along to share their experiences and guide students through the interview process. “Words for Work” teaches students the rich vocabulary and skills necessary for success in their next destination and future endeavours. PFG’s support for Words for Work forms part of the wider Education and Social Impact programme which seeks to create opportunities. It helps to support and develop young people to feel confident in themselves and feel able to actively participate in society.


One year 9 student said:

“Because of Words for Work I’ve gained the confidence to speak to new people”. Whilst another student said: “I have been inspired to get out of my comfort zone and experience new things.”

Another student said that “the volunteers gave me good advice to use in the future. I’ll be sure to stick with it”, and “Words for Work is a One In A Million experience!”

The project ran for six lessons over the course of five weeks with approximately 75 students benefiting from the programme.

“We’ve seen such a big difference in the students over this five-week period. Their self-confidence has developed as they’ve learnt more about how to put themselves across when they’re looking for learning and work.” PFG Colleague